How To Generating Massive Traffic With Pay-Per-Click
One of the methods to generate traffic to get them to your site is by using pay-per-click.
In this arrangement, the advertiser has to
pay for each click of that particular
The two biggest search engines provide this
advertising service, which are Google
How It Works
With Google, you will utilize a program
provided by them called the
Google Adwords
where you can bid for the most searched
keyword that is relevant for your product.
Once you’ve won that bid, your website will
be prioritized in the Google search
The higher the search for the keyword, the
higher the bidding price.
However, the key here is ‘relevance’. Google
has an exceptional customer
relationship and they go out of their way to
protect that relationship. When a bidder
bids for a keyword, Google will send out
editors to check on the relevancy of the
website service or product with the keyword.
If there is no relevancy, then the bidding is
annulled. This is how Google counters
false advertising. If this method were to be
used, always go for relevancy instead of
just for the sake of the particular keyword
being popular.
You pay to the ad space provider using thepay-per-click system where you have to
pay for each click you get.
How To Use Google Adwords
1. Create Adwords account
First of all, you will need to register a
Google Adwords account. If you are already a
Gmail user, you don’t have to worry about
filling in other details that you’ve already
filled in for your Gmail account. All you
need here is your email address and
password, then you’re good to go.
With Google Adwords, you don’t have to worry
about payment just yet. It is free to
2. Choose keywords
This is where you have to compete with
millions of other users who are probably
competing for the same keywords that you
want. Find keywords that are relevant to
your products the most so that it is easier
for the customers to find you.
3. Plan daily budget
Finally, set your daily budget based on your financial plan. Let’s say, the cost-perclick
is 10 cent on average for that particular
keyword, and you’d like to bid for 100
clicks per day, your daily budget will be 10
cent times 100, so in total 10 dollars a
day. Different keywords may have different
starting bid. Of course, after some time of
testing over the traffic and the keyword, you
can change your daily budget from
Key Phrases Instead Of Keywords
Gaining popularity through keyword searches
is great, however, if you were able to
put yourself in the customer’s shoes, you’d
know that they would not search for
keywords. Instead, they would use phrases to
For instance, for customers who want to learn
Facebook advertising, they would type
in, “How do I advertise on Facebook,” in the
search box. This is actually a common
mistake for people who want to utilize the
Google Adwords to promote their product.
Keeping Track Of Your Clicks
In Google Adwords, there is a feature that
allows the user to track the number of
clicks they are getting called the Google
Adwords Dimension Tab. The main function
of the Dimension Tab is to analyze the number
of traffic and clicks that you are
getting from Google Adwords.
First, the Dimension Tab analyzes the clicks
according to time. From the hour of a
day up to a year, they analyze and present to
you in statistics form. This way, you can
know when the best time is to put on yourads.
For instance, result shows that Saturday has
the lowest performance, you may pause
your ads on weekends. Here you can save up
some budget for a better bid on
Secondly, the Dimension Tabs provides
geographic analysis of your ad. With this
feature, you can find which are of the world
your ad works the best. You can sort
these statistics based on conversions,
countries, states, and more. This is so that you
can know who your target audience is.
The third feature here is the search terms.
The search terms analysis allows you to
know all the other search terms that
triggered your ads from multiple views.
At this point here in the search terms
analysis chart, you may see what kind of
keyword the users search in the search engine
that lead them to your site. You may
find some useful keywords here for future
use, or if you happen to find some
irrelevant terms that have made their way in, you can negate it right