Money Making Articles: Easy Way to Reduce

you are new to writing articles for pay, you may find the whole process easier
said than done. Many writers experience
what is referred to as writer’s block.
If you find yourself easily distracted from the task at hand, which
would be writing articles, you may be looking for help.
it is important to know what distractions can or will cost you. Surfing the internet for an extra ten minutes
may not seem like a long time, but what if you did so every day of the week for
the whole year? The end result could be
less money
. Typically speaking, the more
articles you write, the more money you are able to make. That is why it is important to article
writers to learn how to properly reduce or completely eliminate
distractions. For this to happen, you
must determine what your biggest distractions are.
cannot successfully eliminate or reduce the distractions that are keeping you
from writing if you don’t know what they are.
It may be a good idea to perform a test.
Keep a notebook handy and record what you are doing and the time
whenever you find yourself or your mind wandering away from the articles that
you are supposed to be writing.
common distraction that many article writers face is with the internet. After all, most do a small amount of research
online. Do you find yourself checking
your emails, playing games online, or visiting your favorite message
boards? If so, you may want to take what
some would call a drastic step. That
step is disconnecting the internet from your computer. This only needs to be temporary and it may
involve disabling a feature on your computer or disconnecting the internet
is another common distraction that prevents many writers from making the most
money. Many find the best luck when
having the television turned off. On
that same note, some writers actually write better and quicker with a small
amount of background noise. If you are
one of these individuals, opt for the radio as opposed to the television. Or, turn the television on a program that you
don’t want to watch. Avoid your reruns
of your favorite television shows or your favorite movies.
from others is another distraction that many article writers face. Unfortunately,
this is something that can’t always be avoided.
Working from home is increasing in popularity and writing articles for
pay is a great way to make money online and from home. The only problem is that some parents are
working with their children by their side.
Alter your hours so that you are working when the kids are asleep or
otherwise occupied. If you don’t have
children, but are faced with interruptions from a roommate, consider working
elsewhere. This is nice if you have a
laptop computer, as you can visit the library.
you can see, there are a number of ways for you to reduce or completely
eliminate distractions. If you are new
to writing articles for pay, it is important to know the negative effect these distractions
can have on your income. Learning how to
write for money isn’t just learning how to find clients or how to sell your
articles, it also involves perfecting your writing technique so that you can
write quality articles.