Getting a Book Published? Common Mistakes You Must Avoid

Do you have a book that you would like to see
published? If so, you may be interested
in getting started right away. As soon
as an author finishes their book, they want to start approaching publishers as
soon as possible. While it is more than
possible to take this approach, you also want to proceed with caution. There are many common mistakes that new
authors make when looking to get a book published. These are not mistakes that you will not want
to make.
One mistake that many authors, especially new authors, make
is assuming that others will like their book, no matter what. It is important to remember that just because
you think that your book will be a bestseller, it doesn’t mean that others
will. You do not want to be negative,
but it is important not to be overly positive as well. In fact, that is a good reason why you should
consider using the services of both an editor and a literary agent. At the very least, consider asking a few close
friends or family members for their input.
This can serve as a mini focus group for yourself.
Another common mistake that many new authors make, when
looking to get a book published, is by assuming that it is easy to do. The reality is that it is quite difficult to
get a book published, especially if you are an unpublished author. If you wish to see success, there is a lot of
time that must go into your work. Simply
writing a book isn’t enough. You need to
do the proper amount of editing, proofreading, and so forth. Although it can be very time consuming to get
a book published, the reward is more than worth it.
Giving up after the first, second, third, or even forth
rejection is another common mistake that many new authors make. It is no secret that rejection hurts. The last thing that any author wants is
someone to state that their book isn’t good enough. With that said, a rejection is what you will
likely receive. Did you know that many
of the most well-known authors today were first greeted with rejection
letters? As previously stated, it isn’t
easy to get a book published, but do not give up.
One of the biggest mistakes made by authors looking to get
their books published is with publishers.
Here is where you want to proceed with caution, as your chances of
making a costly mistake are very high.
Never submit your manuscript to a publisher without first doing the
proper amount of research.
Many publishers, especially those that are well-known or
large in size, want to do business with authors who have literary agents. With that said, you do not need to have a
literary agent to see your book published.
However, if you do not use an agent, do not send your manuscript to
publishers that do not accept unsolicited manuscripts or those without
agents. This will likely result in your
work not being looked at and you may also not even receive a reply back.
Speaking of knowing what book publishers want, one mistake
that many hopeful authors make is not doing the proper amount of research. Invest in the $20 that it takes to purchase
the Writer’s Market guides or other similar resources. They give you detailed information on what
publishers accept and from whom. For
example, you may already know that Harlequin specializes in romance novels, but
you may not know the specialty of other smaller publishers. You do not want to send a romance novel to a publisher
that is only seeking science fiction books and so forth.