Best Of Craigslist

The Best of is a list of ads that
the community of has voted as the best. You will find a mix of
all sorts of ads in this category. It is not for children to view at all. If
you want are looking for your ad to be read a lot, then try to get it voted
into the Best of Here is how you can accomplish this.
First of all you need a great ad. It should be
funny, amusing, or perhaps obnoxious but it really has to stand out from all of
the other
s. The other requirement is that you need to get a lot of traffic to view that ad.
s. The other requirement is that you need to get a lot of traffic to view that ad.
How do you generate that kind of traffic? The best
plan works like this, you need word of mouth, email and links all pointing to
your ad. Here is how to get this done.
Word of mouth:
This is an easy concept tell everyone you know to
go and look at your ad. Then ask them to tell everyone they know. Explain to
them that you are looking to get into the Best of and you need
their help. Your friends should want to help you, especially when it does not
cost them anything. Remind them daily to vote your ad in.
This is somewhat easier because you are in charge
of it. Change you email signature to include the link to your ad.
Have it look like this Your Name then the text "please click on this link
to vote my ad into the Best of" <LINK GOES HERE>. Another
effective email technique is if you know someone who loves to send out email.
Have them send out as many emails as they can with your ad linked in it. These
techniques combined with the word of mouth campaign should help tremendously
toward getting your ad into the Best of
This is a little more difficult but it can be
effective. Everywhere you blog, exchange links, post links, submit articles and
the like, be sure to ad a link to your ad. Places like and other
social websites are a great place to do this. Look to see if you can get you ad
link posted on Yahoo! Answers. It is easy, just as the question "do you
think this should be in the Best of If so, click on the link
and vote for it". This should bring you closer to getting voted in.
If you really want to get in you ad cannot be the
usual Ford F-150 for sale, need work, $1000 OBO. That will never get in. The ad
has to be funny or have some weird twist to it. A better way to have the same
ad would be: Need to sell my beloved truck. This is a rare 1980 Ford F-150. My
first born was conceived and delivered in the bed of this beauty. I hate to see
it go, but I need to make my mortgage payment. Please come and give 'er a good
home. I'll miss it but I need to keep my house. It's a steal at $1500.00. Bring
tissues, I may cry when it leaves. This is the type of ad that will make it
into the Best of